Our skilled orthodontists may recommend using the Herbst appliance as an alternative to headgear. This appliance works to improve the function and alignment of your jaw so that it develops properly and creates a healthy bite. To schedule your appointment with Dr.Chad Callahan, and to learn more about the Herbst appliance in Pensacola, Milton, Pace, and Navarre, Florida, please call Shehee & Callahan Family Orthodontics today at 850-478-8844.

Your Herbst appliance will be fixed to your molars. It includes a metal tube that connects the upper and lower jaw, which controls the position of the jaw in relation to the upper teeth. Unlike headgear, the Herbst appliance is not removeable. It also far less obvious than headgear, as it requires no outer attachments. Treatment using the Herbst appliance typically takes about 12 months.

When you begin wearing your appliance, you will likely experience some tenderness and soreness. This is normal, and it will vanish as your mouth adjusts to wearing the appliance. You can use dental wax to ease any irritation until your mouth adapts to the situation.

Take special care to avoid eating hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that may damage your appliance. A damaged appliance can cause you to spend more time in treatment.

If you have any questions about the Herbst appliance, please feel free to contact our office.